Thursday, December 6, 2012

Conservative world view

Disclaimer: I am not a social scientist.

Modern conservatives have a strangely inverted conception of how the universe is organized. On one hand, they advocate a moral high ground by making essentially humanitarian arguments based their Christian faith in Jesus Christ and the Almighty. On the other hand, they closely adhere to the principle of corporate indifference by arguing for policies as the 'cost of doing business'. What's odd is that they off by 180 degrees.

conservative view:
- corporations are indifferent
- God is a humanist and a humanitarian

Of course this completely ignores the fact that corporations are completely artificial (human made) institutions. Their entire existence, the rules and laws under which they are created, regulated and operate are completely devised by humans; so by definition, they are human enterprises subject to human imposed limits. And natural events and disasters are attributed to a humanitarian Almighty as 'Acts of God' which are, in reality, governed by laws of physics which are both immutable and indifferent.

- corporations have humanitarian potential
- 'Acts of God' are determined by indifferent laws of physics

In many ways, modern conservatives are to be pitied. They have so little faith in the humanity of humans that we humans are deigned incapable of designing humanitarian corporations. They are so fearful of the evolution of the environment and western thought and culture that they cling ferociously to the remnants of a two millennium old cult. The challenge to progressives is to advance a progressive agenda while gently and tenderly nurturing a reality based world view across the entire political spectrum in the face of the fiery rhetoric of the conservative media.

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