Saturday, September 21, 2013

Republican Party = Syria, Russia and Vladimir Putin?

Rep. Peter King (R-NY) and Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI) were interviewed by Wolf Blitzer on CNN about the Republican strategy on how to manage the debt ceiling fight where both politicians drew unexpected parallels…

Rep. Sean Duffy: “…the President is going to have to negotiate with us [Republicans] just like he wants to negotiate with Syria and Russia to figure out a solution on how to resolve this debt problem…”

Rep. Peter King: “… if he can sit down with Vladimir Putin, he can sit down with John Boehner…”

Since presidents are elected nationally, President Obama represents the interests of the nation; we would hope the equating of the Republican Party with Syria, Russia and Vladimir Putin doesn’t mean the Republican Party does not act in the interest of the American people.

Update: Maybe the Republicans are asking to be treated as a hostile foreign power… They’ve listed a series of demands in exchange for a one year increase of the debt ceiling… the long term strategy of a foreign enemy?

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