Thursday, November 7, 2013

We need (an) opposition party(ies)

The worst part of the dysfunctional Republican Party in our two-party system is we’ve lost a true opposition party. Aside from Republican efforts to obstruct the Affordable Care Act, much of the conflict between the Democrats and Republicans is manufactured conflict for dramatic effect. After all, conflict = drama = ratings for news media.

The fact is… there are no significant difference between the two parties on economic or foreign policy issues (Benghazi is a manufactured conflict to discredit then Secretary of State Hilary Clinton). And a few differences on social issues (differences: women’s rights, voting rights, LGBT rights; similar: immigration policy, drug policy, education reform, prison/crime policy).

This nation faces many problems whose scale range from local school board controversies to threats of global economic and ecological collapse. We have the tools and resources and fortitude to confront these problems. What we don’t have are political leaders and worst, because they share the same position on these issues, our politicians actively construct legal means to obstruct attempts by political outsiders to advance these causes. It’s time to demand more of our political leaders.

As an end note, laws are easily circumvented:
-regulatory rules can interpret/re-interpret laws to the benefit of various interests (can essentially nullify the intent of the law).
-by budgeting insufficient funds to properly operate a regulatory agency


A very short list of issues which would hugely benefit from proper debate from multiple positions:

Financial industry reform

Healthcare reform which addresses rising costs


Energy policy, especially relevant to ecological effects

Civil liberties of Americans (NSA spying; voting rights)

Whistleblower protection (including journalists)

Tax policy (including industry subsidies)

Regulatory reform (currently: industry insiders write the rules)

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