Friday, December 13, 2013

'Santa and Jesus are white'

Megyn Kelly of Fox News is positive that Santa Claus and Jesus are/were white… There is obvious tribal identity in play here in so far as Ms. Kelly is able to relate to these cultural figures on racial commonality. It is clear, that to her, an other-than-white Santa Claus or Jesus could never have attained the status of Santa Claus or Jesus. I was wondering where her tribal identity picks up with regards to class… Is the economic and social class Santa Claus and Jesus known? Would it not be possible for either to be homeless beggars? Slaves? Field hands? What were the class and social conditions of ‘whites’ at the times of Santa Claus and Jesus? If the Northern European whites of 0-400 CE were more culturally backwards than their Middle Eastern contemporaries, would she still insist on a white Santa Claus and Jesus?

This also speaks to the human condition of America today in that the Republican ideology as portrayed by Fox News is highly degradative of any class or race (and sex) they cannot personally identify with. [Anti-headstart funding, anti-raise of minimum wage, anti-labor union rights, anti-abortion/contraception, anti-Obamacare, anti-immigration, anti-gay marriage, anti-Social Security benefit increase…] This at the same time they claim to be Christians and faithful followers of his teachings.

Historically, the probability is high that Santa Claus (Saint Nicholas) was either a Turk or Greek (see here and here) and Jesus, a  Galilean Jew.

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