Friday, July 19, 2013

Competency testing

Michele Bachmann once said a vaccine caused mental retardation. A number of Republican representatives think climate change is a hoax perpetrated by climate scientists. And that doesn’t even touch on the belief in creationist ‘theory’ over the scientific evidence supporting the Theory of Evolution. While much of this misinformation is a calculated politically cynical misrepresentation of the politicians’ true understanding of the science to pander to their constituents, it emphasizes the need for some level of proof of minimal competency for all public officials (elected and non-elected).

This is especially well illustrated by Texas lawmaker, Jodie Laufenberg, who once argued against government funded prenatal care for low income women because “They’re not born yet.” If she were my representative, I would ask for proof of reading comprehension (and ability to use a dictionary)... Does she know what ‘prenatal’ means?

Think of what it would mean to the functioning of government if representatives on the various Senate and U.S. House committees actually understood the financial, cultural, international, trade, health, production, etc. implications of the decisions they make. We might actually get some thoughtful, effective legislation…

Unfortunately, there are moneyed forces with the aim of keeping Americans and our legislators ignorant and uninformed so we are readily manipulated to act not only against our national and human interest but against our personal interests.

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