Thursday, March 5, 2015

Not pot, not kettle

I just came across a transcript of Bill O'Reilly implying that Christiane Amanpour's critique of Benjamin Netanyahu's recent speech to Congress is not worthy of 'trust' (after all she 'was raised in Iran until age 11'). When it comes to the issues of journalistic integrity and trustworthiness, Bill O'Reilly could not have chosen a worst time to raise these questions. Considering his less than truthful recounting of his reporting career highlights (see here, here, and here), he's not the pot calling Amanpour's kettle black... that would equate the quality of his work to hers. He's the bits of blacken cooked on debris flaking off the pot calling the kettle black. It's a wonder that his audience is so blind to his Forest Gump tendency to insert his manufactured personality into the historically relevant moments.  Forest Gump is a positive force that Bill O'Reilly could only aspire too.

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