Sunday, April 19, 2015

What does this mean?

Carly Fiorina recently said this about Hilary Clinton:

“Hillary Clinton must not be President of the United States because she does not have a track record of accomplishment, because she lacks the candor and transparency that the are so necessary to leadership, and because she will pursue a set of policies that crushed possibilities and the potential of this great nation.”

I am not particulary fond of Hilary Clinton but I wanted to focus on the last clause of her statement: “…policies that crushed possibilities and the potential of this great nation.”

‘Possibilities’ and ‘potential’ are common political speak buzzwords so what I really want to ask is what they mean to Carly Fiorina.

What is your position on the DREAM Act? Deporting undocumented children eliminates all ‘possibility’ of achieving ‘potential.’

Do you think it is time to increase the minimum wage? Or is it wrong for businesses to not provide their workers any ‘possibility’ of achieving their or their families’ ‘potential’?

And what about social programs like SNAP? The ‘possibility’ and fear of hunger would stunt anyone’s ability to achieve their ‘potential.’

Do you support Obamacare? After all, for many diseases, access to the only ‘potential’ treatments is through health insurance covered care.

Do you believe in subsidized or free higher education? And public school privatization? And school testing? The loss of educational 'possibilities' has long term consequences for societal 'potential.'

I could go on... and on... and on... but this getting depressing…

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